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Old 09-06-2008, 08:16 AM
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Re: Are there any Physicians in the house?

Originally Posted by SUBBYRU89 View Post
...... financial consultant for a doctor who wants to go out on his/her own. Doc makes 500K a year where he is with 4/5 other physicians, but wants to fulfill his/her long-life goal of owning his/her own practice.

........ but I don't know what a family practice has as assets besides needles, tubes, and the small stuff a patients sees when they snoop through the draws

.......... advise if it's worth getting on his/her own or should he/she stay where they are.

For insurance I know it would make a huge difference for him/her to be on their own.... or be the owner of the practice....... Having others working for you means a whole new world of expenses (at very least a receptionist and records person and likely at least a nurse or two)..... and changes EVERYTHING when it comes to insurance premium...... it's a slurry of how many Dr.'s work there (# chances to screw up vs number of people to pin it on vs do they have their own insurance.... and how good is it), how long they've been in practice, what their exact degree is etcetera......

For equipment don't forget the expensive stuff..... x-ray equipment (even the lead protective pads/vests are beyond pricey) film and light tables if going old school.... most are upgrading to really really really high def flat screens and digital scanning equipment.... seriously the monitors are a good 14k each going that route (my father-in-law was the lead wiring/networking guy in a hospital chain for 12+ years), don't forget computer equipment.... membership/access costs into pharmacy networks and stuff like that..... Plus will this person be doing their own lab work or with that also be outsourced? Outsourcing is expensive..... mostly because it requires expensive equipment and testing media...

Plenty of expensive stuff to have around too.... liquid nitrogen (for freezing off warts) and storage device.... and other must haves...... I wonder how much a case of wood tounge depressors costs??

ya know..... after you made me think about this.... I'm really glad I didn't become a Dr............ wholllllly crap ..... but dang do they have nice houses....

Last edited by iizbeastie; 09-06-2008 at 08:19 AM.
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