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Old 09-01-2008, 01:23 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by dromano View Post

Not a bad job of personal attack Venom is what venom does

You made reference earlier to those that receive more than they put in and that you and your generation bare the result of the equation. I for one started SSI at 62 and have already received more than I paid in, do I feel bad about that? h3ll no!!! I paid in for 46 years, it's not my fault the funds were not invested properly. My dad is 91 and healthy, I'm looking forward to a lot more SSI checks.

Will you write in Nader or Keyes on 11/4?

Funds were invested properly for the record at least originally as it was a fund that collected a cool 7-9 percent safely in US bonds and securities. The greedy RUSHPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRAPS couldn't keep their hands off it so they've squandered the boomer surplus on their failed policies and agendas. Then they ignore simple adjustments in benefits or contributions as the population changes. I'm sure you voted for these idiots each time too as they promised you the moon and you wanted more cheese rather than fiscal responsiblity.

It humors me that the Grand Oil Party was once the fiscally responsible and conservation minded party. Not sure how they got that way since even in the "good" Regan years they squandered nearly 2 trillion dollars on that wonderful war on drugs only to 20 years later embrace the benefits of the poppy in Afganistan.

Next time you feel the insecurity in yourself to question another citizen's patriotism or belief that as Obigears put it the other night. We are Americans first and party second (only he got it wrong as political parties are 3/4 of the problem).

As for who I vote for that is a personal issue. I will say that I did donate to 4 canidates this year. 1 Republican and 3 "others". I even have one of these canidate's bumper stickers on all of my vehicles simply because it really pisses off the "Hope" voters. Even in PA (one of the most anti-major party states for ballot access I think at this point the Constitution Party, Lib Party, Green Party and Nader will all be on the ballot. Thanks in a major way to the State Demo. Party paying staff members to prevent its citizens the right to make a choice other than bad and worse. That's what is they want you to choose from, personally I'm smarter than that. I simply wish others were instead of playing into the scare tactics both parties use to prevent a full dialog of the real issues.

Its more fun to worry about the non issues they spout: abortion, change, jobs, partisan white noise and drilling rather than the real issues: the dollar, education, an energy plan, health care, our military and our infastructure... All things that Americans have a universal stake in seeing they are the best in the world.

BTW Harry, I was perfectly civil in answering Dave's question in my first post. Sure it was crude but he asked for an opinion and that is what he got. He simply didn't want to hear that she isn't the second oh right 3rd coming of Christ right after Rush's Messiah!
British vehicles are my last ditch attempt to keep the nasty Italian thoughts in my mind at bay. So far its working.
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