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Old 08-21-2008, 08:34 PM
TurnInConcepts TurnInConcepts is offline
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Posts: 79
Re: The TiC project SVX

So yesterday and today we got some time to get in up in the air.

Yesterday was new belts, get a lay of the land, and take some measurements. Oh, and I did the 9005 mod as well. It needed it.

Things we know -
  • STi adjustable lateral links will fit in terms of length. I need to check the bore sizes for the bolts, but given the lego-ness of Scoobies I suspect they will work just fine.
  • The 2008 STi rear bar will not fit (not wide enough)
  • The LGT bar rear bar will not fit
  • The older LGT/Outback rear bar will not fit
  • Look at rear endlinks, and what will be required in order to go to an adjustable rear bar. Pretty darn sure an idea I have will work.
  • Emailed Whiteline to see if they have a bar that meets the dimensions we need.

Today was the following:
  • Brake fluid flush
  • Brakes still suck big time. Two foot stand on the whoa pedal will not induce ABS. While this may seem like a good thing that also tells me I'm not getting what I can out of the brakes.
  • BADLY need new rear rotors and pads. Pads and rotors for all 4 corners are on order. Been thinking about a brake project, and am waiting to hear back on some specs from a manufacturer
  • Bushings in the rear need some help. See below.

Fortunately we have the relationships with makers for a number of items. We also have a good bit of experience on new scoobies so we can eyeball quite a bit.

Rear rear diff mount bushings - look to be standard old style R160 bushings. SuperPro makes some and I just got some in. We'll press these in when we get time.

Lower rear trailing arm bushing - These look to be the same as others. We have some from SuperPro here that we can look into pressing in.

Upper rear trailing arm bushings - look to be like what we're used to, but don't have any here. SuperPro does make some though.

Lay of the land in the rear:
Forward rear subframe bushing:

Forward rear diff carrier/Outrigger:

Forward rear subframe and outrigger:

Forward rear diff carrier/Outrigger - looks to be very similar to the setup we're used to. Thus we pulled some Kartboy ones off the shelf. There are two versions - race and comfort. Since we already have some obscenely loud cars we opted for comfort.

There are 3 bushings in this kit - small-thick, big-thick, big-thin. The small-thick works great on the bottom, and the big-thin would work great on the top. Problem is since it's a stud we'd need to drop the carrier to get them on top. We just didn't have time to do that today. We'll do it later. Here's the pics:

Bushings in question:

Small-thick in place:

Back together with small-thick. Notice gap on top that would fit big-thin nicely:
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