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Old 08-16-2008, 08:22 AM
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plantchick plantchick is offline
Mechanical 'L' plater ahead
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Australia (Townsville)
Posts: 119
Background - roadworthy issues.

I started doing the o-ring - got the cover off, drained fluid off, the first two bolts of the reservoir.... yaaaay me! .... then I noticed the hose and stopped. See I don't want him putting it back on me that I damaged something by trying to work on it myself.

There's a complication with the roadworthy certificate issued for the car. The issuer is legally responsible here for any problems that arise (within a time frame) that affect roadworthiness and the CV tech says it should never have passed. I spoke with the mechanic and he agreed we'd talk about it when it goes in for a trans service on Monday and "work something out". Its not straighforward, though - I accepted a backdated certificate because of a massively cracked windscreen (no way could it have passed as recent), but with the agreement I'd be told of any other issues. He did the roadworthy as a favour to the girl I bought the car off. Theoretically the shop can lose its inspection license for passing a dodgy vehicle.

The pump & o-ring wouldn't be a roadworthy issue, but the hose definitely is. The rack is a grey area. CV guy says the rack's probably been like it for around 12 months (she's barely been driven for the last six months).

I was told before I bought her that there was an oil leak, but he said it would be something minor and no biggie, not expensive.

Nearly a whole blo*dy steering system doesn't strike me as minor!

The mech has a good reputation around town and the CV guy was surprised when I said it was him that'd done the roadworthy and also done work on it since. I don't think he deliberately did me over, just that he missed something he should've caught. If that's all it is then fair enough - you can be good at what you do and still make a mistake.

Difficult, though -he did a major service on the car 10 days ago & washed it down to track the leak. Told me to bring it back in a few days so he could find where. I'd figured in the meantime it was steering fluid 'cause of the colour (thank you forums!) and yup, took it back in and was told it was leaking from the rack and I should probably do the hose and possibly pump. He sure didn't pick the hole and seemed genuinely surprised when we talked after I'd taken it to CV/steering guy 'cause I wanted another opinion. (the forums have also taught me lots of things get replaced when they don't need to be)

What he said was that maybe washing it down had dislodged whatever was blocking the hole. Or that changing the fluid had done it.

All the explanation is so I can ask - is what he says reasonable? CV man seemed to think it was pretty poor. I don't want to cause this guy trouble or screw him over, but nor do I want to wear the cost of bad work.

If you've made it this far, thank you!

wordy chickie.
1992 Onyx SVX 184,500kms
Now with new and improved no leak steering!

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