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Old 06-09-2008, 02:40 PM
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Now with more color
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Location: cumberland, md
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Originally Posted by subi-crosser View Post
NEW pics today!! new albums too. (sunday)

I added a few discriptions to certain pics. Open the 65 A-100 413 for a good read!
Heard a rollback running next to my garage today! Since I had NOT ordered a rollback, I went to investigate. My neighbor was cleaning out all of his 4X4 stuff to make room for his new VW collection.
When the driver opened the door, (to my HORROR), It was the local MORON!!!

Since I KNEW that the 4X4's were all in garages and I KNEW that the MORON couldn't UNLOAD a car without smashing the doors in on the ONLY car parked within 100 FT! ( yea, he smashed the LAST car that he towed for ME), I had very little confidance that he could actually remove these vehicles without SERIOUS property damage.

Step one, I moved ALL of my stuff from the danger zone.
Then I asked him if he had a 'snatch block'. He said that he didn't have one with him. I RAN to my garage to see if I had a 'spare' to loan him.( I KNEW that this was an IMPOSSIBLE task without one!)
I have had snatch blocks for many more years than I owned tow trucks.

He said that he could do it without one, and proceded to PROVE that he could NOT!

Step TWO, I asked him to use the bed to PUSH the truck away from the wall that he was fixin' to RIP OUT.

The neighbor asked him to take the other one FIRST and GET his 'snatch block' when he went back to base. He confessed that he DIDN"T have ONE!

I asked my neighbor to bring his F-350 to the scene. I attatched a chain to the F-350 and attatched the J hook to the cable, acting as a 'snatch block' and allowing the truck to be removed without ripping down the wall.

( Now this guy has been involved in "Towing and Recovery" for 20 YEARS, and has NOT invested $50. In the MOST BASIC piece of 'recovery' equipment!!)

I told you that he was a MORON!!
I'm not a REDNECK! I am an Appalachian-AMERICAN!!

"Can't go to work today. The 'voices' said to "Stay home and clean the guns".

Most famous Red-Neck last words...
" Hey Everybody, Watch This!!)
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