Thread: Sad News
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Old 05-08-2008, 04:06 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: San Diego
Posts: 18
Classic! Yeah That's The Ticket...

that's absolutely right. But the damned cars are too young. But I completely agree, they should be classics. They have the pedigree and it would allow us to recover some if not all our investment! They have gap insurance for when your new car gets stolen or wrecked and you owe more than book value. There's got to be insurance for my our situation, where you have more invested than book value. Actually I thought USAA did that. We'll see.

I really appreciate the response from the forum members. Condolences are amuch appreciated, but the practical advice, especially subi-crosser's, is really helpful, and has me considering a different strategey for dealing with USAA. They are a great company and have always treated me right, but I'll wait until I see what they offer. My attorney tells me I have additional recourse to recover some of the money I've spent on the car. So I am sending the kid's dad a letter showing the evidence of the accident and a copy of my recent bills and asking for him to "man up" and compensate me. As of tomorrow I am walking. Turned in the rental tonight.
Funny thing about USAA though, the "Total loss" adjuster told me not to bother sending her any repair bills for less than $1500! So I'm supposed to eat the $1200 I spent the week before on the accident for the new "used" WRX STi wheels and new Avid H4S's? Sorry but I spent 6 mos finding those cherry "used" wheels (gold, no chips, no rash, looked like new) and $1200 is still a good chunk of money to me.
I'll post more as it happens if anyone is interested. This may help other forum members in the same situation. I know some of you guys have spent alot of money and your own time and labor tricking out your cars. Somebody shouldn't be able to take that from you because they are stupid.
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