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Old 05-07-2008, 12:36 AM
YourConfused YourConfused is offline
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Originally Posted by odepaj View Post
I agree with shotgunslade 100%, your brakes are adequate if you can activate the anti-lock.

I'm looking at the Subaru 4-pots not for larger rotors, but for weight savings and even pressure across the rotor. The 4-pots are lighter than our calipers (reducing unsprung weight) and having 4 pistons (2 on each side of the rotor) instead of just 2 on one side, are better balanced and will dissapate heat better along with having a greater "clamping" force to act on the rotor. Im pretty sure they also use larger pads which will help more than using larger rotors.

I'd also be looking to use the 2-pot rears, to keep the system balanced.

Again, I saw '04 Brembo's (all around) get swapped onto an '07 TR with no modifications to the calipers or hub.

I am with you on a brake upgrade as mine can't induce the anti-lock after getting some new shoes. The only realistic option I see is just going for OT's brake package. It has good pads, rotors and lines.
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