Thread: Sad News
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Old 05-05-2008, 02:21 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: San Diego
Posts: 18
Sad News

My SVX was totaled on April 8. Had just installed a perfect set of gold WRX STi wheels and new Avis H4Ss. Spent $7200 in the last 35,000 mi bringing the car up to snuff only to have it destroyed by a 17 yr old nitwit driving 50 in a 25 zone in daddy's Yukon. It was a completely avoidable accident, the dumb kid freaked and steered into me. I turned left in front of him. He turned 90 degrees to his right to hit me over my right rear axle hard enough to spin me around 170 degrees!
Then to add insult to injury some silly ***** came out of the crowd and told the cops it was my fault!
The kid hit me with the left front corner of the Yukon a full 25 ft from the center of the road, speeding on a blind curve. The cops told me they thought it wasn't my fault. The kid's been avoiding making a statement to my insurance adjuster, still hasn't talked to her...
Avoiding my adjuster, I don't think that's a good sign. I think he's going to lie.
The kid jumped out of the Yukon and immediately apologized to me but there's no telling what he'll say after he's talked to dad.

I was so pissed at the stupidity of the driver of the Yukon that I had decided to punch his ass out before I even got out of the car! I jumped out of the car ready to pound somebody! I stand 6'1" and weight 265 lbs and I've competed in Judo, Karate, wrestling and boxing. I am a professional strength coach and I work with MMA fighters. This guy was going down! I have an excellent attorney and plenty of bail money...and this 5'6" 140 lb kid runs up to me and says "I'm sorry". What could I do? I couldn't hit anybody so stupid and small...
at least I didn't end up in jail for punching somebody out.
Obviously I'm fine, partly the benefit of being in shape but largely due to driving the Safety Vehicle Experimental. The SVX didn't even look that damaged but it's history. Pretty impressive structural integrity. Took a shot from a 5000 lb truck going probably 35 or 40 mph, hard enough to spin the car 170 degrees on new 225 tires and the SVX hardly looked damaged. The quarter panel right over the right rear wheel had about a three foot vertical crease in it and the wheel was missing a chunk at the edge of the rim. The bad sign was the serious negative camber the right rear suspension had suddenly developed. So I'm waiting to see how it all turns out. SVX's are somewhat undervalued, so I'm prepared to get hosed. I went upside down in the car when I spent $3200 to have the tranny rebuilt 35,000 mi ago.
Everyone keeps reminding me that I didn't get hurt, so I was lucky...but I'm still bummed about my car, it was running sooo good.
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