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Old 05-02-2008, 10:44 AM
SHISVX SHISVX is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
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you all know there are people out there who have so much money that they could spend an unspeakable amount on anything they wish

i have seen people spend ungodly amounts of money i wish i had on playstations at christmas and albino pubic hair on ebay

so what is so unbelievable about some yuppy with too much money over paying some guy for...hahahahahha

sorry couldn't keep a straight face



no really think about it....yankee candle for instance selling a smelly candle ( which sadly i love) for 25 dollars...for a f'ing candle...while you can go to the dollar store and get a smelly candle for a dollar....and there are people who will spend the extra cash...and that is on a frickin candle

now imagine the perfect miles...perfect much would you spend on it?

oh wait that isn't the story here either....
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