Thread: Texas!
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Old 05-01-2008, 09:32 PM
YourConfused YourConfused is offline
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Originally Posted by apocalixto View Post
let's have a meet soon. i am thinking in early june. What do people think about that? give us all time to get our cars ready. Let's make this big. What does everybody say about meeting somewhere in austin? Austin is a great place and it is basically the only place anywhere near being in the middle of all of us. haha.

So lets get in gear and get this together. I want to see all of the TX SVXs out there and whoever else wants to drive out to the meet.
I am in Ausstin and have a grill so we could bbq and then go for a nice drive in the hills. Lots of ffun roads here to go for a cruise on. May have some other sports cars that could cruise also. I am soon to have awd again so I would like to have some fun with others of the same mind on a fun drive.
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