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Old 04-09-2008, 03:22 PM
IdeasMan IdeasMan is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Monticello, MN, USA
Posts: 13
Tony's right. Because a supercharger is a positive displacement compressor the volume of air displaced is the same. Therefore if the temp goes down the pressure must also. This is why top fuel drag racers run the risk of running nitromethane through the supercharger. The vaporizing fuel cools the air before it passes through the supercharger. Intercooling is still a good idea after the supercharger as the air is hotter and therefore easier to cool, but you would have to increase the speed of the supercharger to get the power increase benefit of this cooling. This is not really a bad thing as superchargers tend to increase in volumetric efficiency as their speed increases. Thermodynamic efficiency may not, You don't want the heat generated by your supercharger to overtake your intercooler.
Money, time, and space-wise a water injection system before the supercharger is probably your best option. Just don't run out of water!
Turbos are different, the cooling after the turbo will increase the charge density. Water injection before the turbo is a bad idea!! Turbos hate water!
Planes in WWII used a turbo and a supercharger in series without any intercooler. The turbo heated and compressed the cold thin intake air so the fuel would atomize, then the fuel was injected before the supercharger cooling the charge. The supercharger gave the final pressure boost. 1000+ Hp Sweet!
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