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Old 03-14-2008, 08:27 AM
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benebob benebob is offline
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Originally Posted by SVXRide View Post
Agreed, except I'd add a "street legal" AWD Auto (N/A) catagory
Again street legal is a joke since there are well over 300 different ways that each state, county or region determines what is street legal. Then you have the stick and lick variety on top of things. Technically a supercharged svx wouldn't be street legal in my county nor would a nos system on a car or even your black car with those other seats (unless they are dot rated and registered) so all those would need to be considered non street legal as well. I agree that a fastest stock catagory would need to be thought of but again you need to base it on a set of criteria and rules such as the stock class for autox.

Our stripped down racer is just as close to being PA inspectable (sans emissions but Dave lives in a county that doesn't have emissions) as your daily driver that doesn't have annual inspections down in that beltway state.

A competition section would be nice as competition and mods are not one and the same. Oh do you think I could get my new ride into the subaru challenge if I put a WRX emblem on it... It would be great to beat you with yet again but this time with a lawn mower engine and cable driven drum brakes front and rear!
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