Thread: 285 whp!
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Old 02-28-2008, 09:47 AM
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RallyBob RallyBob is offline
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Originally Posted by cdigerlando View Post

If you come up with a good aluminum pan design and would like to spread the cost among some folks, I would be very interested in participating in a group buy.

Anyone else interested

Chuck D.
It won't be an aluminum pan, largely because it's easier to start with the OEM as a foundation. Jack purchased a new stock steel pan last year, and I'll just build it off that.

I personally can't manufacture the pans, but I could possibly provide templates for someone else to do it if you guys are interested in a group buy.

The trap doors will be something similar to these. pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5.

It's a style I've used a lot in the past on circle track, race and rally engines. Pretty simple and cheap material-wise, but just time consuming for someone like me to build (in other words expensive for one-offs). You need to find someone with mass production capabilities to make it cost-effective.

The only other addition would be a crank scraper most likely. The windage must be extreme at 8000+ rpms.

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