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Old 02-26-2008, 11:21 PM
YourConfused YourConfused is offline
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Originally Posted by It's Just Eric View Post
Well, clearly then, the people buying the untested prototypes are, in essence, testing the products FOR you. Why would you not only disregard their concerns, isues, and suggestions, but also not offer them revised versions of your products?

The one person who actually has a clue as to what's going on..the one who has done transmission work AND stage 3 installs or two people running the same exact set up, as well as recommend your products to others AND buy, test, and try to help develop your products tells you theres some serious issues with your products...and you respond by telling him to shut the **** up?
Mind you, what baffles me, you tell him and others that everything is fine, and at the same time remove the stage 3 supercharger system from your shelves.Why?
dont think anyone has put me up to saying this...It truely comes from my own own reasoning, and things that ive observed:

your buisness practices leave much to be desired

interesting comment
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