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Old 02-20-2008, 09:33 PM
YourConfused YourConfused is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Austin, TX
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One good thing about getting older is that I only stayed mad at my car long enough to post that I was mad at it. After that my curiosity prevailed and I just had to start testing things.
I started by making several 6' test leads and soldering them to suspected points on the ecu. (so I could test them in the engine bay and against themselves)
Next I did various voltage and resistance test on various circuits. (could someone please provide me a pin-out and schematics for the ecu so I can stop guessing?)
I got a bunch of OK, OK, OK, OK, and then a WTF. I accidentaly probed one of the wires on the MAF that wsn't wired to anything and it was a ground!??! I didn't know whether to be mad, confused or happy in that I found something strange.

What I found:
There was water in the connector for the MAF that was shorting across every terminal. I would have thought that arcing and heat would have vaporised the water or something, but it was shorting my power to the MAF strait to ground. This was melting 1 pin on the ecu. I will identify it as being the smallest connector on the ecu and it will be the o in the X's in the next line (if viewed as holding the ecu in your hand and looking at it's plugs)


O Is a solid red wire btw.

Is the idle hunting and rough running as a result of the ecu needing to learn the car's characteristics? It is not intake leak hunting, but idles at 600 for a bit and then almost dies before going back to 600 rpm. Will it smooth out? I stuck my face in the exhaust pipe's and it smelled really clean. I did note that the drivers bank had more of a regular miss, or pop than the pass side. (remember I have true duals, so this actually means something) The drivers side did about twice the pops of the pass side. I should call a couple of you when I can to let you hear the sound as I don't know how to record and post audio files here.

Well my monitor looks like it's power supply is going out and I better end this while I can see what I am doing.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

blk 92' LSL w/ average mods

pics here

Cash68: "Hmm, I wouldn't brag about beating Escorts. That's like saying you tricked a retarded person."

Last edited by YourConfused; 02-20-2008 at 09:35 PM.
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