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Old 02-11-2008, 08:44 PM
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Now I know how THEY feel!

I spent all day saturday waiting for the mailman!
Now, IF I was waiting on a welfare check to buy my beer and pay a bill or two, it would be EXACTLY what 'they' were waiting for. BUT, I was waiting for a part for my plazma cutter, so I could Produce some 'work', recieve some compensation for said 'work' and buy my beer and pay a bill or two!

The end result was the same, NO part came, so I had to drink the beer I already had and tell the bill collecter to wait till 'it' comes.

Them, CHECK,
Me, PART for the plaz.

Part got here today, so the SPARKS will be FLYIN' in the AM!
Then I can go to my real job and work for the taxes that allow the others to sit and wait on the mailman!

What is it?? April 30th before we are done paying taxes and get to KEEP our money?? What a concept!! KEEPING our money!

Sort of a "Rant" but not really. It don't matter to them. 5 trillion $pent and $till counting.........
I'm not a REDNECK! I am an Appalachian-AMERICAN!!

"Can't go to work today. The 'voices' said to "Stay home and clean the guns".

Most famous Red-Neck last words...
" Hey Everybody, Watch This!!)
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