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Old 12-18-2007, 10:59 AM
ZephTheChef ZephTheChef is offline
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Location: Wichita, KS
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I am indeed a young person with limited funds, but this is by no means a car that I NEED to be running, nor are my funds THAT limited (considering I do everything, and I do mean everything by myself it doesn't really take all that much money even for a complete rebuild). And WTF, mates? No intercoolers? Maybe you don't realize just how hot the air gets. Hell, even my supercharged Camaro WITH a huge intercooler was still blowing pretty damn hot air (and superchargers are generally more efficient in that department than turbos).

I've got a calculator for estimated temps based on turbo efficiency and pressure...and also one for estimating how much an intercooler can cool. With 80F degree under the hood temps, on a turbo of "average" efficiency, 2000ft above sea level, you are looking at turbo outlet temperatures of around 190F. A sufficient intercooler will bring that back down to about 100F. Tell me again you don't need an intercooler at 7psi? We're talking about nearly 375 degrees at the amount of boost I'm planning on running. You can bet each turbo is going to have it's own intercooler in my a few other little cooling tricks I've got up my sleeves.
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