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Old 12-09-2007, 08:17 PM
redlinedeath redlinedeath is offline
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Originally Posted by wawazat?? View Post

redlinedeath-While I agree more SVX in motorsports would be good, the car comes with some severe disadvantages for many forms of motorsports. Weight (and correspondingly poor HP to weight ratio compared to many cars it will compete against), length, automatic trans, strut suspension, nose-heavy cantilevered engine (entire engine is extended ahead of the front axle), and lack of aftermarket support all conspire against it. Compared to many other platforms (Miata, BMW E30 and E36, Honduhs-can't mention specifics as I'm too bored to care) the SVX is just not the first, second, or 15th car folks think about or choose for motorsports. Not that it can't be done as Bill, Ben and Dave, Dan, myself and many others have demonstrated it can. I'd love to see more out and competing in local events with me...however, I'm the only active member of this group in my entire state now


well, you are right there, but im one of the few that likes to see someone pave new grounds with something that isnt done alot, but unfourtunately, that means lots of money, and lots of trial and error. i did decide to opt out of the miata while debating with myself over coffee just a little while ago, i think i will use the svx for that even, but have no idea whatsoever about what is required to enter, race and such. i just need to do some research. not to mention, getting a miata would mean my bike would never be paid off, and i would never ever see track time in that. so come spring, my two main modes of transportation will be a 94svx lsi, and a 2007 kawasaki zx-6r, both of which will see as much track time as possiblem, meaning crashes, lowsides and highsides are absolutely not an option! it will be the first time going to a track with both, and will without a doubt drain ever dollar i have for spending, but its ok, i may as well spend onmyself while single! just research time now!
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