Okay just did another lab test to confirm what I thought you supply power to both side wires the value works by increasing the voltage on one wire only so it taks over. That's why the manual talks about variable votage. I made this little pot but last ime it didn't work because I had the neg & postive around the wrong way. I just retried it and it worked perfectly. It simple switches the voltage down on one wire and up on the other when you turn the pot, in the centre positon it inspite of voltage to both side wires the valve sits in the "At rest position". Now if I want I can totally control the idle from in the car.
1995 - SVX 700,000 K Mine, DMS Struts to lift car 2in. Tyres Wrangler Silent Armor 235/70R16, PBR Radiator. 6 speed with DCCD and R180 rer diff, Heavy duty top strut mounts front and rear. Speedo correction box fitted. New stero (gave up on the old one). Back seat removed and 2 spare tyres fitted for desert driving. ECUTune SC sitting in the box for the next SVX.
1992 - SVX 255 K Wife (Want to stay Married so not allowed to fit SC)
1992 - SVX Pearl with black roof race car roll cauge etc ready to race. Ex Tasman Targa car.
1995 - SVX Green low k mint condiation.
1995 - SVX Rally car, ex Matts car. Now to be used on track.
1992 - SVX red & Black being converted to Mid Engine.
1995 - SVX Red 143,000 bit rough.
Owned 5 others Subaru back to a 1974 1400 GSR.