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Old 11-06-2007, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by RSVX View Post
Thanks for all of the input.

They tried to tell me that based on my interview that I am exactly the type of person that the Company I would be contracted to would want to keep for follow on opportunities, and possibly a perm position. It all sounded like recruiter talk to me.

I got offered the position, and gracefully turned it down.

I hope I made the right decision.

And I hope I get that second interview for the Perm position I already interviewed for.

Chris, you provided no detail regarding the position, but somehow I smelled a rat. Was commission involved and why the short term?

It would appear that you made the wise decision.
Trevor, New Zealand.

As a child, on cold mornings I gladly stood in cowpats to warm my bare feet, but I detest bull$hit!
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