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Old 08-12-2007, 10:59 AM
Foofmonger Foofmonger is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Fairfield, CT
Posts: 15
Thanks for the advice. I gave Tom's reply to the garage in case they had a question. And Michael you are also right on the point about the torque converter because I contacted the person who sold us the transmission and told them that the transmission was not fitting and that is when I learned that they had put a Legacy tc on the Svx transmission. When I mentioned this to the transmission repair guy he said that noticed that the torque converter looked like it was "forced on" or something to that effect. Anyway, where we stand now is that the transmission is coming out again and our original 95 tc is going on the 93 transmission. My question right now would be whether using the Legacy tc by the former owner for a couple of thousand miles could have screwed up the transmission or is it ok?
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