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Old 07-12-2007, 11:16 AM
jsteele22 jsteele22 is offline
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Originally Posted by jsteele22


It does not hold the tip of the injector on like I had supposed, but from what I can tell serves only to a) keep the small o-ring from falling off before assembly, and more importantly b) protect the extremely delicate tip of the injector from getting smashed into stuff. So I'm going to chance it and go without the caps. PLEASE someope tell me if this is a bad idea !!!
Okay, I got a somewhat authoritative answer to my question about the plastic pintle caps. I found a vendor of pintle caps on ebay (userid : bjcda, no affiliation) and asked him about their purpose. His answer :

Originally Posted by Ebay vendor bjcda
Hi Jeff, You are correct on on all accounts. The pintle cap does nothing but hold the oring on. The shape does not matter. There are a few applications that have a cap that does direct the spray from one to a split pattern but this is not the common cap. I have the caps with the 4 fingers.
So bottom line : if your pintle caps crack and come off or if they're already missing, you can either run without them or get cheap replacements (and cheap o-rings) on ebay.

Hope this helps.
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