Thread: Bush joke
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Old 04-22-2007, 02:09 PM
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Royal Tiger Royal Tiger is offline
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I've told that joke at least 30 times when clinton was in office. Still seems funnier then. Anyone familier with Vince Foster will get this clinton joke:

hell-ary clinton is talking to a 4th grade class in upstate New York. After her talk she open the floor to questions. One little boy raises his hand.

hell-ary: "Yes, and what is your name?"


"And what's your question Larry?"

"I have 3 questions;

1) Why would want to be President when your husband shamed the office?

2) What happened to all the missing property when you left the White House?

3) And what happened to your National Medical Program?"

Just then the bell rings and hell-ary says they will pick-up when they get back. After recess the class comes back in and hell-ary says;

"Where were we?" "Oh, that's right, questions from the class. Anyone have one?" A little boy raises his hand.

"Yes, and what is your name?"


"Yes Billy, go ahead."

"I have 5 questions;

1) Why would want to be President when your husband shamed the office?

2) What happened to all the missing property when you left the White House?

3) What happened to your National Medical Program?

4) Why did the bell ring 20 minutes early?

5) And where is Larry?"
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