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Old 04-10-2007, 11:04 AM
dcarrb dcarrb is offline
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Originally Posted by Ron Mummert
The bumper on an '85 Escort sustained 10 bucks worth of paint damage when hit at 5 mph. Today we can dam' near count on a total at 5 mph on a five-year old anything.
I believe the SVX survived the old Consumer Reports 5-MPH bumper-basher with no damage, way back when. (Guess we can thank the Feds for letting automakers weasel out of that mandate.)

Someone once said of my car that its styling doesn't give away its age. That's great design, in my book. I think many current blunt-nosed, slab-sided models will look terribly dated in a few years (hopefully along with outsized rims), and lets face it, car makers count on that. Three, four or five years down the road they want you back in the showroom lusting after The Next Big Thing in automotive styling.

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