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Old 03-27-2007, 06:23 PM
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rallyingrob rallyingrob is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: halifax NS
Posts: 323
does the rear wing ACTUALLY provide any benefit?

..........or is it just for style points?

no seriously.......does anyone have anything in their collection of reading material that says the wing provides benefit?(ie: downforce or improved stability above a certain speed or.......?)

what im wondering is if i should ditch it in favour of the weight loss or keep DOES give about 20lbs of downforce at the rear !! LMAO!!

when built, i wont be seeing speeds over 130 mph, and if i do its only for a few seconds(unless i rally in quebec where they seem to use gravel roads 4 lanes wide!!)

to paraphrase the clash..........should it stay or should it go now?!?

i'm too svxy for my car


92 ebony 4.44's rock !!
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