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Old 03-05-2007, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by DreamingOfSpeed
Consumer reports should only be used for toliet paper, never reading materal.

If you watch the news you probabley heard about thier latest travesty of a story. They claimed without any credentials that nearly all infant car seats failed their tests and that only 2 were safe. Then refused to release any testing information to the companies who's seats failed, the NHTSA (the governmental standards board who sets safety testing), and other critics of the magazine. After a court ordered review of the tests it was found they out sourced the tests to another testing body, never checked their facility, did not install the car seats properly, tested them at twice the intended speed, and reused seats from crash test to crash test (seats can only be used in 1 crash. It will not withstand a 2nd crash). Before checking their findings or thoroughly reviewing the data they send consumers into a fearful tizzy about their infant seats being dangerous. Apparently scientific method is lost on these people, in the science community tests are run several times and findings are offered to critics for review before they are ever allowed to be read by the public.
Interesting fining... never heard of this issue... hmm consumerreports

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