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Old 01-23-2007, 09:48 AM
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Electrophil Electrophil is offline
Which manual is "that" in??
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 3,962
Originally Posted by lhopp77
Really? I kind of think that Veto power is a pretty big stick.

Actions against Bush and Cheney--I doubt it---people in glass houses.....etc.... To many skeletons in the Demo party members closets to rock to many boats. (Or all Congressional members for that matter)

Obviously, you haven't heard the beating the Attorney General just took.

Nope... The storm is going to hit.

Time is beating me to death right now. I'm wanting to make some long winded replies and ***** slap you neo-cons around so bad I can taste it. In a couple of days... stand by.

Is Bush in jail yet? (Looks frantically at watch, then back up) How about now? Now? Come onnnnnn...... Someone freeze me until January, this wait is killing me.
Update: 09 January, and still not in jail! Wassup??

1992 Teal LS-L - 160k (Now new and improved with perfect paint!)
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