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Old 01-23-2007, 02:38 AM
Weebitob Weebitob is offline
The Kind of Casual SVXer
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Thumbs down Lie on Obama and those who perpetrated it

There seems to be a rumor afloat that Barrack Husein Obama went to a Wahhabi (those strongly Islamic Muslims most of us have to come and love) Madrassa (a religous school for Muslim learning) in Indonesia because of his father for 4 years and that it was Hillary Clinton's supporters who unearthed this.

However, there seems to be a bunch of wholes in this tale. For one thing Obama stated in his book that he did attend a prodomently Muslim school, from the age 6-10 years old, Maddrassa are usually attended by those of college age. Also not all "prodemently Muslim schools" could be Maddrassas. Another thing is that every source, that propigates this lie is backed or heavily biased towards the Republican party, which debunks Hillary Clinton having the least in "unearthing this."

And finally it has been exposed thanks to this CNN article done by an astute journalist. For further proof watch the accompanying video. This has to be the worst mud slinger ever done in the US within 2 centuries.
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