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Old 07-31-2006, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by davew833
A little history, this car was previously listed in auction #120009006784, which ended at $6188, but mysteriously was not sold for that amount. I remember it being listed at least one time before that, but I couldn't find that auction when I went back. The seller did not relist the car, but rather started a completely new auction (now running). Speculation on this forum is that something shady's going on- the seller's bidding up his own auctions, or has a 'buddy' that's doing it, or is otherwise looking to cheat the system somehow. One forum member here saw the car in person and it's pretty nice for a '92 Claret, but there must be $3000 in the trunk if the seller thinks it's worth over $6k. Maybe he's just trying to recoup his investment in tire shine!
ah, i see now.

i don't really see a problem in it though. the dude wants more than $6188 for the car.

some random dude asked me about my car a few weeks ago. he asked me if i would sell it and i said sure. maybe for about $7k. it's a 92 claret. if he comes up with the cash, i'll sell it.
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