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Old 07-17-2006, 07:07 PM
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Electrophil Electrophil is offline
Which manual is "that" in??
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Originally Posted by lhopp77
Maybe you are the one that is ill informed, naive or simply blind to the real situation. NO---it was not [B]ONLY [B]the capture of 2 Israeli soldiers that started the IDF retaliation. For openers it was a cross border attack killing 8 and capturing the 2. This is AFTER years of repeated rockets launched into Israeli settlements frequently killing women and children AND not to mention periodic suicide attacks killing innocents. Additional, a very open and continuous THREAT by the Hamas and Hezballoh to "WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH".

If your family was under constant threat and members had been injured and maybe even killed in your own yard----wouldn't you retaliate if there was a serious attack on your family in your own home. And don't tell me you would let the law handle it because the law does not apply in this case.

I will definitely agree that war is stupid in this case----HAMAS AND HEZBALLOH WERE STUPID TO START IT.


Come on everyone! You know the words... Sing along!!

All Lee is assssskkk-kinnnng.... is give war a chance.

(I can just see that little ball bouncing from word to word.)

All Lee is asssskkk-innnnng is give war a chance.

Seriously though. My vote has to go with Lee on this one. Hizbollah really miscalculated on this attack. It was unprovoked. Israel was staying on their side of the border playing nice this time.

Is Bush in jail yet? (Looks frantically at watch, then back up) How about now? Now? Come onnnnnn...... Someone freeze me until January, this wait is killing me.
Update: 09 January, and still not in jail! Wassup??

1992 Teal LS-L - 160k (Now new and improved with perfect paint!)
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