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Old 07-17-2006, 02:59 PM
elvis elvis is offline
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Originally Posted by SilverSpear
We are expecting that from Israel. Really!!! the Jews never care about the Arabs lives, they are like NAZIs, they think that they are Abraham's decendents and the Arabs and Palestinians are also his offspring but not a pure one because it is from his entercourse with the maid... So their race is the purest and Arabs are garbage. I say again, Lebanon's problems started with the Palestinian invasion, I hate them to death, but in the same time, one cannot ignore that they are being hunted down like animals and driven out of their houses... isn't it considered TERRORISM??? US is covering them in the UN meetings by using the Veto power for everything against Israel... I think the US backed the wrong horse on this one... this is why you had 9/11 over there
Even though the UN council asks Israel not to invade Lebanese space and many more illegal acts, they just do not listen and do what they like.

You probably don't know this already, or you would have used a different word. Calling a Jew a Nazi is not only one of the most inflamatory things a person could do, it's also one of the most insulting.

Hitler and the boys rounded up millions of Jews (and Cathloics, and Gypsies, etc) from every country in Europe. They put them into slave-labor camps, conducted medical experiments on them, and killed as many as he could. They were not just lined up a shot either. Jews were starved, beaten, burned alive in ovens, forced to kill their relatives, gassed, any form of torture you can think of. There is probably not a single Jewish family now who does not have a relative that did not experience some form of Nazi persecution.

This happened under the noses of the rest of the world, and no other country did anything about it (including the US - we even denied sanctuary to a boatload of Jewish refugees, dooming most of them to death).

There certainly have been wars, assasinations, thefts, injustices, insults, etc, etc, purpotrated by Jews on Arabs. Yes, the Palestinians have problably gotten the short end of the stick and deserve better. However, there is absoutely nothing that any Jew has ever done to any other human being, before or since, that is even remotely similar to what Hitler did.

Yes, many of the people in Israel are arrogrant pricks. They do think they are better than everyone else, and are not afraid to say so. But they don't go around rounding people up and starving them to death. You don't have to like Jews (especially Israelies), but don't shoot your mouth off comparing anyone to the Nazis. That's just silly.
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