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Old 06-27-2006, 12:19 AM
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gtdanielgt gtdanielgt is offline
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Originally Posted by subi-crosser
I was cleaning out the garbage cans last week, and heard a strange sound in the can that was next.. I looked inside, and told the wife that there was a 'possum' in there!!!
I started looking for something to kill it with, when I realized that it was NOT a possum, but was the absolutely WORSE specimen of a siamese kitten that I had ever seen!!! I grabbed him like a mother cat would have, and hauled him to the bathroom sink, where half of his body weight of fleas went down the drain!!
A trip to the vet (that has known all my animals for the last 40 years), a few shots, treatment for the ear mites, ringworm, and a host of other parasites, and 150$ american, we now have a 7 week old kitten nameed 'Sweety'!!!
We needed another cat like a third eye, but when he flashed those baby blues, we were HAD!!!

He seems to 'adapt well', and can walk past the 2 dogs with no fear, but the other 2 cats have NOT adjusted to the little fir ball that camps next to the food dish!!


Haha, really cute! I could see how in the dark it might look like a possum! That's really kind of you for saving it.. I wish I had more room in my home for some kitties. If people weren't so ignorant and would just spay and neuter there wouldnt be such a high number of strays/ euthanizations...
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No more subie

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