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Old 06-04-2006, 01:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Pass the popcorn Robert, this movie is labelled a light comedy but it runs a little long

Originally Posted by lhopp77
You guys are soooo very right-----NOT . It is because of Bush that there was the current plot in Canada to blow up the intelligence headquarters.
Because of Bush? You could actually be correct with that one!

intelligence headquarters? FACT: no targets confirmed!

"The suspects were allegedly planning to launch attacks in southern Ontario, but officials would not specify targets."
RCMP behind bomb material
Toronto Star, June 4, 2006

"While ruling out the TTC, police refused to identify the actual targets of the alleged terrorists."
[ed.note: TTC = Toronto Transit Commission - public transit]
TTC was not a target:' RCMP
Toronto Star, June 4, 2006

"Commissioner McDonell alleged that the suspects were part of a homegrown terror cell intent on launching attacks against targets in Southern Ontario.
Media reports Saturday alleged that the suspects engaged in terror training camps north of Toronto. It was further alleged that the group was plotting to attack targets in Toronto, including the headquarters of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.
Mr. Thomson said the list of possible targets for such terrorist measures is almost without limit in a large, urban centre like Toronto. But he added that terrorists usually pinpoint their targets before collecting their weapons."
Massive terror attack averted: RCMP
Globe and Mail
[ed. note: CSIS intelligence HQ is in Ottawa, not Toronto]

"While the intended target is unclear, the plan was to detonate an explosive device in Ontario, a source who asked not to be named told Canadian Press."
Terrorism raids sweep Toronto
Globe and Mail

"Police declined to identify the intended targets because the investigation is ongoing but said they were all in southern Ontario and did not include the Toronto transit system, as some media outlets had reported."
National Post

Originally Posted by lhopp77
GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS---we are fighting the terrorists overseas to keep from fighting them here. Canada hs been very helpful and sympathic to the Muslims terrorists and where did it get them---IT JUST MADE IT EASIER TO TARGET THEM.
Hmmm.... yes, I see your point. Canada has had way too many terrorist attacks in the last 10 years or so, while the USA has had barely any. If the number of attacks is any indication of sympathy towards terrorism, then there's a problem with logic here. Nevermind...on to my main point.

Since you prefer US sources, let's go with something a bit more official than just a news story:

Interview on Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer and Mike Duffy
Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Washington, DC
June 4, 2006

QUESTION: Madame Secretary, Friday night in the suburbs of Toronto, as you now know, the Canadian police arrested 17 people on suspicion of terrorism. They had three times the amount of explosives that was used to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City. They apparently had some sort of contact with two Americans from Georgia. What can you tell us about this?

SECRETARY RICE: Well, first of all, it's obviously a very great success for the Canadian counterterrorism efforts, which we know have been very robust. Really since September 11th, Canada has been very active in the war on terror. We have very good cooperation. I don't think we know very much more about it and we certainly don't believe that there's any link to the United States, but obviously we will follow up. And we have excellent counterterrorism cooperation; I think we will get whatever information we need. But it's obviously a great success for the Canadians. They're to be congratulated for it.

QUESTION: Well, it sounds as if they were planning to blow up some of the national institutions in Canada, or at least that seemed to be the plan. We know they had contact with two men who have been arrested on terrorism suspicion in this country from Georgia. One of them was a Georgia Tech student, I believe. Do we have any indication that they were trying to plan some sort of an attack on anything in this country?

SECRETARY RICE: Well, we don't have any indication, but let me just say obviously this is an ongoing operation, ongoing investigation. I think it's best not to talk about whatever details there may be. But we have excellent counterterrorism cooperation with Canada and I'm quite certain that if there is any further information to be passed, that it will be.

Originally Posted by lhopp77
Look at the problems with the Muslim radicals in Europe in countries that are not friendly to the US and that have not supported the US war on terrorism.
Yes, you're absolutely correct! Europe is having huge problems in trying to ban headscarves and other religious symbols from public institutions such as schools. Definitely as a direct result of not whole-heartedly joining the US in its outright war on terror. But...umm...wait a sec.... European nations ARE closely cooperating with US security and intelligence agencies.

Lee, name one European country that ISN'T cooperating with the US either by sending troops or using HUMINT or sharing info through INTERPOL or other ways. And I'll give you an example where that country did cooperate. Up to the challenge?
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