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Old 05-03-2002, 11:07 AM
SHISVX SHISVX is offline
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i once had a problem with a company like sears... i agree go in calmly and tell the manager the problem. if he then gives you a problem you can come back at him in many ways:

you can tell him that you will report him to the Better Bussiness Burea

you can tell him that you will write an editorial to every newspaper in the area and let them know how this sears does business

you can stand outside (my mother did this) and warn incoming customers about the problems you have had

the are many ways you can stick them in a corner. if the nice approach doesn't work, threaten them...ask to speak to the store manager..not just the manager in charge of the department you should get your way no problem, especially if you paid with your sears credit card..i once worked retail, the head manager is the person you wanna talk to.

good luck
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