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Old 04-27-2006, 10:17 PM
WGJ WGJ is offline
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Location: san diego ca
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You Said A Mouthful...

"Either way, the current tax system is retarded, but the IRS isn't going to make themselves go away. The ability for change in this nation has become so stagnant that the only people who can incur changes are extremists on both ends of the scale. Common sense loses out to screaming retards."

The truth of this comment makes my heart ache. You may have read in my previous post of the enormity of the tax's actually only 30,000 not 60,000 pages. So what? We're the ADD society. So busy trying to make a good living, take care of our families, be good parents, etc etc. Who the hell has time to do all that and read the tax code?
More important, why do our representatives in the Republican Congress pass tax laws that give Big Oil a $12 BILLION tax break or that allows people making $26 MILLION a yr. a break of $500,000 a yr for the last three years? Buy a Hummer for your business and write half of the price off first year of ownership! Who is standing up for the middle class? What will it take to get a simplified, rational tax code?

Last edited by WGJ; 04-27-2006 at 10:20 PM.
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