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Old 04-24-2006, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by spinn360
Put the TCU in and worked for a day then the power mode came back on. I hate this car sometimes. Ok so I looked at the tps and I checked the volt it was way off. I cant set this thing. Everytime that I set it it changes. (no its not loose snug as a bug). I think the butterfly valves arent closing the same everytime. or I am losing my mind. I have cleaned it several times with intake manifold cleaner. I will take it apart this weekend and see if I cant figure it out. and if that doesnt work then I guess I will try re-wiring the TPS to tcu wire.
If every time you set it, it changes the wiper and resistace element contact is intermittent. ( Unless there is a faulty connection.) This a positive indication of a fault.

Inside there is a rotary potentiometer comprising a conductive plastic element around which a wiper turns. Unfortunately the thing can not be taken apart and it is difficult to get cleanibg fluid into it. You could try completely immersing it while turning it. CRC type fluid would be best. It is not possible to accurately measure minor contact interruptions without a scope, or meter with a bargraph instant response read out.

Best of luck, but you may be stuck with purchasing a replacement.
Trevor, New Zealand.

As a child, on cold mornings I gladly stood in cowpats to warm my bare feet, but I detest bull$hit!

Last edited by Trevor; 04-24-2006 at 05:47 PM.
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