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Old 03-28-2006, 01:06 AM
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intelisevil intelisevil is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sandy, OR
Posts: 832

Go back and reread just your posts and no one elses. You've been all over the place in a number of your statements.

Post #19: "I made $200,000 in Amway on a side business they offered"

Post #46: "the $200,000.00 I earned as an Amway distributor"

Post #54: "If you used the $200,000 figure because that is what I said I made in Amway...I should explain! My income there was generated by a settlement (which I agreed to never divulge) resulting from my efforts in a long-distance payphone service opportunity Amway had on the side"

Post #58: "I was an Amway distributor! I "earned" the $200,000 in an opportunity they offered...."

There have also been a few inconsistencies with statements concerning your current business venture.

I've found the easiest way to make sure you always say the same thing and don't have explain things (Post #54) is to tell the facts as they exist. As soon as you start to 'embelish', you'll never be able to repeat the same story two times in a row.

I'll make my suggestion to you again and hopefully the next comments we see on this thread will be pro or con results from Earthworm and his six fellow testers.

You should stop responding to everyone else's comments about the company because you're not winning any support (in case you hadn't noticed). At this point I think your responses are damaging any credibility the company might have.


PS: If you go back and look at my posts, I think you will find that mostly they have leaned towards constructive criticism.

Last edited by intelisevil; 03-28-2006 at 01:09 AM.
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