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Old 03-22-2006, 07:16 AM
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Sorry James. I like to be open minded about things, but BioPerformance just sounds bad.

The FTC has a warning about this kind of thing.

People on this forum certainly don't have much good to say about it. It's worth a read; there is both positive and negative in there. Here are some excerpts:

Originally Posted by simmysam
Here go to this page and scroll down to the Disclaimer
here are some quotes from it.

Any and all testimonies are NOT intended directly or indirectly to guarantee you in any way with similar savings. The testimonies have not been proven in any way by BioPerformance, Inc. to be true, because they are simply people sharing their results from using BioPerformance Fuel. The testimonies are valuable replies from your fellow Americans.

Wait it gets better

Each reply is believed to be true in its content. These stories are not backed by independent research, so you must evaluate them for yourself and then let us hear your own story.

LOL well it hasn't exactly been proven to be true so you have to send us your money and try it out for yourself. Believed to be true in its content? By who gullible suckers?

Ok that part of the dislaimer covered the product now lets move on to the oppurtunity. I remind you again this is right out of the disclaimer...

Also, the BioPerformance, Inc. Compensation Plan does not in any way guarantee you any income from any examples that may be derived from the explanation of the Compensation Plan. BioPerformance, Inc. does NOT guarantee any incomes at all. Every person's results can be different using the product and/or earning any income from the compensation plan.

I like where it says each persons results can be different, yeah you can either lose some money, or you can lose a lot of money the choice is yours.

We do no income projections or claims, but we can show you the math of the opportunity.

Just try not to laugh at that one. Geez Im not making this up its in there disclaimer.

BioPerformance, Inc. doesn't guarantee anyone any results using the product or working the business selling BioPerformance Fuel. If they so desire, people can simply use the product and see first-hand what kind of results they will get. The same is true with building a business with BioPerformance, Inc. Incomes are not guaranteed whatsoever. The benefits you can receive from selling BioPerformance Fuel with our Compensation Plan is strictly according to the time and effort you put into building your business.

See to wrap it up again they say no gurantee in the product, or the business in selling it. I mean you guys can badmouth these people all you want, but hey you can't say they didn't warn you. It's like if someone gets there finger bit by an animal in a cage and the sign says KEEP FINGERS OUT OF CAGE! Your first response would be, well its your own damn fault idiot, read the fine print! Likewise with this, if people are too stupid to read the disclaimer it's hard to feel sorry for them when they lose money on the scam.
Originally Posted by Joey Smith
The gas pill scam has been going around for decades. It first appeared during the OPEC Embargo of the early 1970s.

Old scam, new suckers. If you want great gas mileage, buy a hybrid. Selling somebody a pill that allegedly increases their gas mileage is what is known as CRIMINAL FRAUD.
Originally Posted by soapboxmom
Common sense suggests that if these pills were so great they would be on the shelves of the large retailers across the country. The company wouldn't need to depend on a sales force that guilt heaps their friends and family to purchase the goop. Mainstream media such as Consumer Reports would be testing and recommending that folks use the dang pills.
I would walk in my local auto parts store and the sales people would be telling me to forget the STP gas treatment and pop those dang pills into the tank!
Originally Posted by TylerScot
I will admit, I fell for this scam.... here is a copy of the email I sent to the customer service dept. with no inital reply:
My name is Scott **** ID# ****. Please cancel any future autoships immediately as well as the autoship that I have yet to receive but that I was charged for on 1/19/06 and refund that payment to my credit card on file. I also need to find out about your return policy on un-opened bottles of this product.

I have kept very accurate details on my mpg for some time now. The last 3 averages BEFORE using BP were 15.1 , 14.9 and 15.2 respectively. Since using your product my mpg have actually gone DOWN to 14.1 and 13.9 under the EXACT SAME driving conditions. I am willing to keep the one open bottle that I have been using and will continue till the 4 tank recommendation you have posted but at this point and with the results I have seen after 2 tanks I definitely do not want to pay for more product nor keep what I have not opened.

I am a very reasonable person but this has been an outrage thus far. I live roughly 90 miles from Dallas and yet the order fulfillments have taken weeks (like I posted above I still have not received my second shipment and no longer want to, so please refund the 63.82 to the CC on file). Also again please provide return and refund information for the 3 bottles of pills and 1 bottle of powder yet un-opened otherwise I will be forced to post my actual results to several of my own websites, watch-dog & scam buster sites as well as the BBB to name a few.
After a second email I received a reply:
To insure it is the correct person making the request, you cannot send an email to cancel anything with BioPerformance, Inc., you must notify the company in writing.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

BioPerformance, Inc., 1300 W. Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 100, Irving, TX 75038.
I have since mailed a written copy of my requests to the address listed but will be truly suprised if anything is done. This is a scam!

BTW, since then I have filled up for a 3rd time and again had lower mileage of 13.8 mpg ..... It should be noted that prior to using these pills my truck NEVER got below 14.5 mpg in the 4+ years I have had it. I have also been experiencing knocking and actually had my vehicle stall in the middle of traffic twice now....and this has also NEVER happened prior to using this pill.
Then we've got another discussion going on here:

Originally Posted by bad chemist
Strangely, in the facts section of the website they claim that the product is “technically a liquid phase catalyst”, does this mean the alloy dissolves in petrol? If so, instead of emissions being reduced as claimed, surely they will have added various tin compounds to the emissions instead; many of which are toxic in their own right.
Originally Posted by Tom Dooly
I am a graduate Engineer. I very accurately tested the PILLS in my Cadilliac and in a friends couier van. BOTH got ZERO mileage improvement. NOW HEAR THIS: After 4 or 5 tanks, on a return trip 150 miles from home, stopped to refuel, put pills in, car would not start, spent night in motel, left car at repair shop over the weekend, got a friend to take me and wife 150 miles home. Fuel pump had failed. After driving Caddys fro 35+ years I have never had a pump failure, AND the garage said they had NEVER replaced a pump in a Caddy! Subsequently, I had to replace two oxygen sensors, and the idle controller module — all at a cost of $1200+ with ZERO mileage increase. NOW, the final blow, Bio Performance wil not reply to my e-mail which is the only way known to contact them. There is no phone, address. I understand they “farm out” all aspects of operation including shipping, billing, manufacture, and accounting. Where is THE company? Nobody knows! If you know an address please contact me at
Some potentially scary stuff there (and there's more to be found on the internet).

Now, I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock into any of this - it's all just hearsay. But notice how the only people to say anything good about it are trying to push the product themselves? I'd trust people warning me of a potential scam more than the people trying to sell something to me.
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