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Old 03-20-2006, 02:04 PM
dcarrb dcarrb is offline
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We'll see no significant progress in regard to petroleum costs, reserves, imports or alternatives, so long as the presiding U.S. administration is wholly owned by Big Oil. Ditto global warming. Stock-up on sunscreen.

A mainstream news item I saw just within the past couple of days asserted that the capacity to produce biodiesel fuels can never meet existing U.S. demand, even if every acre of land in the lower 48 were planted in oil-producing soybeans. (Wish I could remember the figures.) Simply put, it takes an ocean of oil to run this country.

There's not likely to be one simple, revolutionary technological breakthrough to solve our dilemma. The only plausible short term solution lies with ethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, hybrids, and electrics all employed in concert... along with good, old-fashioned thrift (read: conservation).

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