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Old 04-26-2002, 12:08 PM
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Beav Beav is offline
Not as old as Randy
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Louisville, KY
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Three more blocks and two more turns and we were at her corner. "Out ya go, and take that cheesy trenchcoat off, you're hiding the merchandise. I'll be back to pick you up around three o'clock and you better have all the money. You remember what happened to little Loretta when she tried skimming from me, don'tcha?"

She slammed the door on her way out and took her position, leaning against the lightpost in front of the town's only Hooters. She was cute, a little too cute maybe. Maybe I should trade her to Slick Willie for a couple lower maintenance models. As I made my way down the next two blocks I remembered that Slick had called and said he wanted to get together for a little business talk. I didn't like him and I didn't trust him, but sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

I pulled into Slick's place about a quarter of eleven. 'The Owensboro Social Club for Distinguished Gentlemen', what a riot, as if there was anybody in town that fit that bill. I parked the car and as I was getting out someone grabbed and yanked me as if I was a half-full sack of groceries. Slamming me against the car next to mine a gruff voice boomed, "
ASE Certified Master Automotive Technician w/L1.
ASE Certified Master Medium/Heavy Truck Technician.
Certified EVT (Emergency Vehicle Technician)
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