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Old 03-06-2006, 11:18 AM
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Electrophil Electrophil is offline
Which manual is "that" in??
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 3,962
So you won't have to read a bunch:

Direct cut and paste quote from article:


These are our most difficult problems. Thankfully, they are rare. The Guttmacher Institute and the CDC estimate only about 100 3rd trimester abortions are done in the United States per year. In 1991, we performed 65. All 3rd trimester abortions are, of course, non-elective.


And you are right, I don't want to see a picture of one of these hundred.
It would only serve as propaganda for a non-issue created to sidestep the actual loss of freedoms our citizens would endure with a ban on abortion.

Is Bush in jail yet? (Looks frantically at watch, then back up) How about now? Now? Come onnnnnn...... Someone freeze me until January, this wait is killing me.
Update: 09 January, and still not in jail! Wassup??

1992 Teal LS-L - 160k (Now new and improved with perfect paint!)
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