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Old 03-06-2006, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Electrophil
Why Iraq?
Well, the reason wasn't WMD's. That one fell through before we even got there. The UN watch guys told us that before we dropped the first bomb.

It wasn't to stop terrorism. Al-qaeda in Iraq didn't exist before we got there, and Saddam was secular and didn't trust religious zealots. So thats out.

It wasn't to set up a democracy, since the two major parties are based solely on religion. Bush made it clear prior to his inauguration he was against nation building, and never even mentioned the word democracy prior to his mission accomplished bumble.
As usual, your time line is inaccurate and much of your information incorrect. At the onset of the war it was still widely believed that there were WMDs in Iraq. The troops wore chemical gear throughout the assault and that is like wearing insulated overalls in 100+ degree weather. Initial findings of Iraqi chemical protective gear in forward postions further reenforced the likelihood of at least chemical weapons.

Zarqawi (sp?) was already in Iraq and there was at least one terrorist training camp in Eastern Iraq. While direct links to Al Qaeda were never alleged by Bush--open and wide support for terrorist organizations was clear and evident. If Saddam did not trust terrorists, why did provide suicide bombers families with significant monetary rewards.

On the other issue above--late term abortions ARE being performed on a voluntary basis.


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