Thread: sinus headaches
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Old 02-27-2006, 06:07 AM
dcarrb dcarrb is offline
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Originally Posted by LarryIII
4. There are many allergic food triggers which bring on a sinus attack. Some are dairy products, chocolate, sugar, nutri-sweet, wine (sulfites), etc.
My doc (years ago) also told me to avoid nuts, and caffeine. (Chocolate, nuts, Coke... only my favorite things.)

A trick I learned for quick (if temporary) relief it to pinch the nostrils closed and GENTLY exert pressure as you would to blow your nose. You can hear the sinus passages pop open.

My sinus headaches have gotten much less severe as I've aged; they used to literally put me down, and no medication would touch the pain. Now an OTC sinus headache preparation usually does the trick.

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