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Old 02-19-2006, 06:49 PM
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demonsvx demonsvx is offline
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Originally Posted by Manarius
I've talked to two people who have come back from there..and 1 who is over there. All of them are wondering why we're over there. Our soldiers are getting blown up for...what? A couple "oppressed" people? Well, why don't we liberate the oppressed in Africa? Oh yeah, they don't have oil.

My dad is a Vietnam vet, and he doesn't agree with what's going on over there. It's like throwing money down the toilet.

And yes, I was too young to vote. I ain't now though.
Im all for helping someone out but they have to be willing to help themselves first. My neighbor came back in Oct 2005 and I was happy to see him but I think he has doubts about another tour. All I ask is what is our OBJECTIVE in Iraq? Give us a date for pulling out and stick to it, Iraqis should be responsible for "insurgents" in the development of their country and if they want democracy bad enough then fight for it!
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