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Old 02-14-2006, 02:31 PM
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Electrophil Electrophil is offline
Which manual is "that" in??
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Las Vegas, NV
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Originally Posted by mohrds
The tranny is an amazing feat of engineering considering it was designed in the late 80's and early 90's. The problem came in when they coupled the cooling for it to an engine that was meant to run at very high temperature compounded by the clogging issue.

Had they used a small radiator with its own fan for the transmission, it would be bulletproof. But, hindsight is 20/20. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs...
I agree. The entire problem with the transmission is only an oversight of coupling. Nothing inherently wrong with the unit itself. Heck,,, a well working and well adjusted unit is smooth as silk, even at full throttle.

I've been hit both ways with it. My original SVX bought in early 95: Transmission lasted 59k with easy going cruise style driving habits. However, the 92 is over 159k with no signs of problems... same style driving. Kind of a hit or miss.

I sincerely believe a bunch of the transmission problems came from 2 camps... 1 camp is the hard core drivers...Obvious concern there with even the most race proven equipment. If a person continuously slams force against an object... it's gonna break.

The other camp is a lack of knowledge where transmissions were needlessly replaced. I look back now at the 94 and wonder if the problem was merely a stuck solenoid. Ya never know.... I most certainly didn't have the knowledge I have now on the cars, and most service techs still don't. They never work on them.

Is Bush in jail yet? (Looks frantically at watch, then back up) How about now? Now? Come onnnnnn...... Someone freeze me until January, this wait is killing me.
Update: 09 January, and still not in jail! Wassup??

1992 Teal LS-L - 160k (Now new and improved with perfect paint!)
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