Thread: SVX - NET Logo
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Old 05-09-2001, 02:16 AM
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Re: Go go logo...

Originally posted by SVXphile
It has been a blast sitting back and reading all the discussions about the new club and the new logo....kinda like watching a chick hatch! Glad I kept my mouth shut, 'cause it looks like the products are turning out just fine. However...

<I'm witcha!>

...I'm not sure about warlocks having leadership positions in our club. What's next...spells on those late with their dues?.....SVX's turning to pumpkins at midnight?...trannys treated by eye of newt and toe of frog? Something to think about.

If anyone wants me, I'll be in the chat broom...I mean ROOM. Anyone coven with me?

Good to have you aboard Don, even as an observer. Wonder how many more are sitting back and following the gestation?? Maybe Bill could devise a poll to see how many would join at $15 and how many at $25.

I know, I know, we did this already, but I am wondering if a soft launch to build membership would be a better start. There may be many out there saying, yeah, nice idea, but we get all this already without paying money. We need to ask directly, "Would you join at $15?, Would you join at $25?". To me, the number you get is the important statistic.

Also, some of the deliberations, although necessary, are somewhat premature. You need a steering committee, you need a transparent way of handling funds, you do not need a club president or a club lawyer, at least at these early stages.

Debate could go on forever if nobody bites the bullet and sets it up. The makings of a good club are already there, do it.


"Remember kid, Rome wasn't burned in a night" American Graffiti
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