Thread: SVX - NET Logo
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Old 05-07-2001, 10:54 PM
Posts: n/a
first i'd like to say that the logo looks great, but........'s looks 'bottom heavy',,,,,mainly there is too much 'white space' in the upper half. the white space between the outline and svx world network is greater than the white space between the red svx and what adds to this effect is that the red svx is not only bigger, it has thicker lines and it is red. the outline on the other hand, is plain grey with thin, detailed lines.
that said, if we're looking for more balanced logo i suggest that either:
1. the outline is enlarged--possibly even shortened horizontally so that the inverse of the outside edge lines is preserved like it currently is (nice touch BTW)
2. the red svx and outline are moved up so that top of the outline is closer to the grey oval than the red svx is.
3. the oval is flatten out a bit--with most of the impact affecting the upper half.

what are everyone's thoughts on the matter?
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