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Old 12-15-2005, 02:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Electrophil

Bipa, I think you are here in the U.S., was born here, and have at least a Master's degree from a U.S. University. I think you are playing us.

Your grammer, spelling and overall writing abilities are U.S. graduate level, and your knowledge of both current events and history of the U.S. rates way up there also on a graduate level.

It's a dad-burn Kinspirasy I tellya. I kin feel it in me bones!

Hmmm.... is that a compliment or a back-handed insult? Or are you implying that a US education is somehow superior? Typical arrogance, eh? (just kidding!)

Thanks for saying such nice things about my writing. I just always seemed to find writing and history fun and easy. The key is simple- when writing a serious post: write once, read twice, check your facts, fix post, read again, and only then submit. Fer off 'de cuff remerks, ain't no check nesissary

Funny how many folks seem to think that non-US'ians shouldn't know as much, or perhaps even more about the US than US'ians themselves. Yet it actually makes sense that foreigners would know more about USA foreign policy, doesn't it? The average US'ian probably doesn't know and doesn't really care about the fine points of foreign relations because it has absolutely no effect on his everyday life, or so it's assumed. For the rest of the world, the US can sure make life darned uncomfortable.

What is really sad is that the US politicians and people don't realise that their foreign policy and frankly bad attittude to non-US citizens is also starting to affect their domestic economy, and will thus also impact domestic policy decisions. Just one minor example: almost everyone I know in Europe and Canada are now desperately trying to avoid transiting in the USA when flying elsewhere. I know that I spend easily $50 - $100 when I'm waiting in an airport for a few hours. But now the US airports aren't getting that money anymore.

The other issue is trust and faith in basic freedoms and rights. Just the other day, I showed my Dad this web site and some of my posts, both my serious ones, and some of the cartoons I had posted. His honest initial reaction was one of FEAR! I was shocked and amazed that he became concerned about my posts being traced by the US government and that I'd somehow get into trouble next time I tried to cross into the USA. Surely I have at no time indicated that I was some sort of dangerous person. I doubt that any of my comments about US policy or actions are particularly original or unique. My views are shared by millions of other people.

Yet my father was concerned by my honest and open expression of my feelings and opinions. Since when are ordinary people AFRAID to criticise the USA? Isn't open dialogue and freedom to voice one's opinion a major part of the cornerstone of US democracy? Yet if my own father, living in Canada, has developed such apprehension, then what sort of message is being received by other, less educated people in third world countries?

My initial shock has now given way to sadness. It is truly disheartening for me to see that people are starting to become afraid of the USA for all the wrong reasons. And I begin to wonder if that truly is part of the plan, to inspire fear in order to bring people to heel and keep them better under control. If so, then it is just another example of not learning from history. Governments that rule by fear are not good governments, are not governments of the people, for the people, by the people. Fear might be an easy short-term tool, but in the end it destroys everyone and every thing. With fear there is no trust, and decent people feel they must hide their thoughts, and only speak the party line, less they be penalised in some way.

Eh...enough already. Next post I'll find another good joke.
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