Thread: Internal Strife
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Old 12-07-2005, 10:34 PM
The Goat The Goat is offline
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Internal Strife

So - I love my SVX. I don't wanna get rid of it. Here's my dilemma:

I've thrown my hat in the ring for a good-paying position at my alma mater, and I'm almost assured of at least an interview because of my connections there.

If I get the job, here are the factors coming into play:

1) My wife and I are about 4-6 weeks away from becoming parents.

2) If I get this job, my commute will be about 250 miles per day (total round trip)

3) I already *have* a third car - a 1988 CRX si which I'm dying to tinker with.

SO - my options are, as I see...

a) continue to drive the SVX daily, basically putting 5,000 miles a month on it. Keep in mind it already has 140,000. It's a 97 and runs wonderfully, but....
UPSIDE: No change in current arrangement, and I get to enjoy the SVX daily until I drive it into the ground. DOWNSIDE: The SYX would have 200,000 miles on it in a year, and I have two 2-door vehicles and one 4-door with a newborn.

b) sell the CRX, and buy a more economical commuter sedan that I don't care about. UPSIDE: cheaper commute, two sedans are better for baby purposes. DOWNSIDE: I'd have a car that I'm making loan payments on sitting in my driveway 95% of the time, and I'd probably have to take out ANOTHER loan to pay for the commuter car.

c) sell the SVX, and buy a more ecomomical yada yada (think Impreza or similar). UPSIDE: Cheaper all around, I get to keep the CRX for a toy, and I have two sedans. DOWNSIDE: No SVX.

just babbling here - any thoughts?
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