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Old 11-16-2005, 12:45 PM
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Electrophil Electrophil is offline
Which manual is "that" in??
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 3,962
Bingo!! Bipa, that's what happened to us here in the US! This anti-American thing

allowed the Iraqi war to happen. Now I'm not big on Conspiracies, but Karl Rove is from a public relations firm. That has to be taken into consideration.

Prior to 9/11 Bush was in the low 40%'s in approval ratings. We mostly thought he was an idiot. After 9/11 the country rallied like any country would, but somehow the pendulum swung away from "Crisis! support our country!" to "Crisis! Support our president!" His approval ratings skyrocketed.

A lot of us were saying "hey! wait a minute... these attacks happened on his watch... There are documents showing he was warned! The idiot just spent the last 6 weeks on vacation and was warned during his vacation!" The reply
was "We are in a crisis! Support your president!"

Then Al Queda denied committing the attacks, the U.S. demanded Osama, and the Taliban said "Hell, We don't know where he is.", and off we go for a "quicky". I feel that quicky was completely justified under the circumstances.

But then it got worse! Now it's "We are at War!! Support your president!" A bunch of us were screaming at the top of our lungs not to go into Iraq, and to remember the level headed reasons why we didn't go into Baghdad in 1990. But it was "What's wrong with you!

Support your President! Support your troops!"

We were supporting the troops. We were trying to keep them from being killed in an unjustified war. There was some Christian headed, Neo-conservative flood going on, and we were swept into the current kicking and screaming.

Now the heads over here are calming, Bush is back down to the high 30%'s in approval ratings, and the majority now thinks the war was a bad idea. Well duhh!! We didn't go in the first time because.......? Idiocy!!

Now we have over 2,000 American troops dead, over 14,000 disabled, and rumour is over 100,000 Iraqi Civilians dead. I guess the only good thing is maybe some group of religious fanatics somewhere will think twice on attacking us. The reason being that the religious fanatics over here will wipe out 3 or 4 governments in retaliation.

And as abrasive as it may sound, it's true. Behind every good war is a good religion. The bible itself is just one continuous war story of death and destruction.

On a side note. Just to prove how idiotic Bush is, anybody remember how he wanted to call the war in Iraq a "crusade"? He has a degree from Yale.... in History!! My gosh! Did he buy that degree?

Is Bush in jail yet? (Looks frantically at watch, then back up) How about now? Now? Come onnnnnn...... Someone freeze me until January, this wait is killing me.
Update: 09 January, and still not in jail! Wassup??

1992 Teal LS-L - 160k (Now new and improved with perfect paint!)
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